WHOA, it’s 2019!

Hello out there 🙂

With a new year comes the desire to bring new experiences into our lives and with new experiences, new perspectives and new (and improved!) thoughts follow. One very new event we want you to know about is the opening of Luminessence Healing and Health Education Center. This community of multi-modality healing practitioners is eager to support you along your healing path through one-on-one session work, classes and referrals.

Speaking of classes at Luminessence: here are some ideas from my recent Grounding and Grow Yourself class:

Water is a sublimely grounding element. Healer Diane Enderson recommends holding on to the hose while you garden. The feeling of flowing water clears your energy while it grounds you (holding on to the faucet while filling the sink works, too) because we, as well as our planet, are made mostly of water. This act reinforces our symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth. Be mindful as you hydrate yourself, too, which increases the clearing, grounding, and replenishing nature of water.

Hematite is just one of the many crystals and stones that resonate with a sense of security and safety. It’s probably one of my favorites to sit and be still with. Interested in crystal healing? Check Luminessence for practitioners and classes.

Own your right to be here. Being grounded and present allows you to express this in the most balanced and healthy way. Nothing like a massage to fortify my feeling of self-worth.

Head to Toe special anyone?

Aware. Appreciate. Applause. A simple, but often overlooked technique, applauding, is a great grounding technique. Think about your favorite sporting event or concert: present in the moment, expressing gratitude, stomping your feet and clapping your hands. Now, do that for yourself. Really, I mean it. Close the door if you must but just do it. Tell me that didn’t make your heart crack a little smile.

Be truly,

Cai King Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher ~ Hummingbird Alchemy

A Message From The Owner – Kate Robb

Hello All!

My name is Kate Robb. I am the Owner of Luminessence Healing & Health Education Center. I am so very excited to roll out or first newsletter! After a build-out and total office remodel was completed in October, we opened our doors for clients November 1st of 2018.

The last few months has been a whirlwind of exciting beginnings, healing, rejuvenating and mindful learning at Luminessence and we’d love for you to stop by to see our new space on the southwest corner of Cedar/Teague in Northwest Fresno, across from Clovis West High School.

We have many healing modalities to offer so please visit our website www.luminessencethelightwithin.com for our service menu. Or, give us a call at (559) 977-8292 to schedule your appointment and RSVP for upcoming classes.

I am so looking forward to a bright year of healing ahead.

Let your light shine!


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