Spring into March!

New Classes and Specials.

Enjoy 20% off of all Skin Care Services for the Month of March

Treat your skin and get ready to put your best face forward! Give Mary a call for a consultation and to set up an appointment (805) 801-5638

A New Spring Special!!!!
Raindrop Therapy Treatment

The Raindrop Technique is a combination of reflexology, aromatherapy, massage techniques and essential oils applied to the spine and on the feet.

Just in time for Spring! Raindrop Therapy has been known to increase the immune system, relieve back pain and create balance and harmony in the body- physically, mentally and emotionally. Raindrop therapy uses the essence of therapeutic grade essential oils along the spine where it is believed that viruses and bacteria lie dormant util the immune system weakens. The oils create an environment that is not hospitable to these ” foreign” agents, and causes then to be eliminated naturally.

Raindrop therapy is a very gentle therapy and offers you the opportunity to completely relax while improving your overall well being on all levels.

This specialty technique will be offered with aromatherapist Kate Robb please call directly to arrange your appointment. (559) 908-3324

Special Spring Pricing of $120 for 60 minute service.

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