Hello August!
For those of you who haven’t met me yet, my name is Cai (rhymes with ‘day’) and I am a Reiki practitioner, Empowerment Coach, and mindfulness teacher here at Luminessence. Today I’m sharing a thought with you on intentions.
Afterwards, I invite you to visit my website Hummingbird Alchemy to find out more about Reiki and my healing journey (and… pssst… get a thank you gift when you subscribe to my email!)
Here’s a word we encounter often, especially as we delve more deeply into understanding ourselves and the world around us. We hear ‘be clear in your intention’ and ‘hold the intention for the highest good’ but how do we do that? Think positive, right?
There-in lies a bit of the confusion, I believe, when it comes to living a life with purpose and intention: We think too much! Our brains are pattern-seeking devices with a job of categorizing every nanosecond of our lives. Each category creates fat file folders that manufacture more sub-folders until we have a bulging file cabinet with drawers that don’t close and countless piles scattered across our thoughts.
Try this
So I’m suggesting you try something a little different the next time you set an intention and this goes back to an earlier etymology of the word intendere – to stretch out. Stretch out beyond just thinking and engage all your senses in the process. Spend a bit of quiet time and run the idea through each of your five physical senses. What does that intention look and sound like? How does it feel to the touch? There will be a unique taste and smell to that intention. Let it take full sensual shape in your imagination and let it stretch out into your life and take root. As it roots, so will the enthusiasm that will feed its growth. Try it!

P.S. Check out my new site Hummingbird Alchemy to find out more about me, Reiki, Empowerment Coaching, special package deals and scheduling an appointment.
Sign up for my newsletter to stay current with surprise offers, upcoming classes & events, and my musings about life (not to be missed!)
Also, If you’re on Instagram, I pull a weekly angel oracle card every Monday for inspiration, and I’d love a follow.